Israel Documentary What Media Rarely tells you apart from Poor Israel
In this documentary it could open your eyes just a little as to just how in danger the world is, very cleverly hidden by the media and unknown to most is just how much power and control Israel holds, when you watch this and other films documentaries mayb the dots will connect and maybe just maybe you could wake up to what has been going on and is going on in the World, not what the owned TV media bunch tell you as that is all poppy cock and is what it is labelled Entertainment and feel good news, when you scratch the surface it will take you down a very deep dark hole, however Facts are facts and sometimes you need to man up and face this stuff or one day very soon it will be to late.
Israel Documentary What Media Rarely tells you apart from Poor Israel
Israel Documentary What Media Rarely tells you apart from Poor Israel
Israel Documentary What Media Rarely tells you apart from Poor Israel