How The People Can BEAT the NWO Earth Enslavement Controls
Yes we all know we are in a WAR the People v Zionist NWO you will not see this fact on the TV News as they own everything Media wise. But it is a plain obvious FACT. David Icke and many others have been warning and showing the facts for years, the only thing nobody seems to cover or tackle is, yes we all with a brain know we are under attack and by whom they FAIL to show or give the way to stop it all. There is only 2 ways to save the earth from total George Orwells 1984 world becoming the Reality, as shown below in Picture form we MUST Make Police and the Military aware how they are being used to enslave their own families and Childrens future, indeed they MUST be woken and join and fight as they should for the people. YOU Must make a point of letting as many of them realize that all they are doing day after day is building there own Prison Futures. When and if they have woke, then you must take the Pyramid down either from bottom upwards or Top levels down, and then restore the World as it was.