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TRUMP Fakery FUNDS The 6 million Hoax makes it Compulsary while People Sleep

Trump the Face of the GREATEST ENSLAVE THE PEOPLE SHOW makes it legal Kids will be given a mandatory Holocaust Lessons in schools giving their story of the 6 million and such stuff to keep the Show going and aim at the young minds, kill of the old and those who know the truth will get Mandatory Lessons, all at a cost of some 10 Million Dollars to push the Poor Jews money scam forever, forget His Country is burning and riots and such Many having no food etc, they must keep the plan rolling, also at the end is a superb what NOT to do sketch, enjoy..

TRUMP Fakery FUNDS The 6 million Hoax makes it Compulsary while People Sleep

TRUMP Fakery FUNDS The 6 million Hoax makes it Compulsary while People Sleep

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